Real Spiritual Values - Simple English (1 MP3 Audio)
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Quick Overview:
This online course contains lectures in English covering introduction to Bhagavad-gita and how one should understand it. Shri Vrindavanchandra Das, a life coach and iconic speaker, has presented the subject in a manner which is easy to understand and apply in life.
Main features:
— It is a basic course to understand ABC of spiritual journey.
— Helps in realizing goal of life and resolves one's identity crisis.
—Clarifications can be sought on these topics in our forums..
—Easy to apply in daily life in progressive manner.
— The greatest gift you can give yourself is transcendental knowledge.
—It can be watched or listened to at any place or time at one's own pace.
Additional Information
Reviews (2)
- On successful completion of the purchase transaction, 1 CD will be shipped to your address. You could also copy this lecture on to your other storage and listen offline at any time.
- This course covers the explanation to initial important pages of Introduction section from Bhagavad-gita as it is, what Bhagavad-gita is all about, why one should read Bhagavad-gita, setting the scene, science of Life, and many more.
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